
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Majlis Akikah Ariana

dah selesai majlis akikah Ariana
majlis pn went very well
wpun ramai member2 yg xdapat hadir
 nasib baik ada jgk ler wakil 2 3 org..
Najiah, Mizah n Sapik..
Thanks for coming :)
 hehe...oppss gambar sapik xde
segan katanya nk bgambo..
gee n mizah da ada gaya jadi ibu dh ni
tgk cara dukung baby  pun da xkekok..
hehe..boleh dh nk kawen neh..
 ni kek special utk baby Ariana
tp syg dia xleh makan
xpelah..mama n papa tlg mkn eh..hhihihi
kek ni special from my sis
tokey kek n cupcake..
thanks..omeyyy sgt2 kek neh..

 Baby Ariana in her cradle
baby xmeragam sgt
xkira malam siang
tidooo je dia..

Rock-a-bye baby, in the treetop
When the wind blows, the cradle will rock
When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall
And down will come baby, cradle and all
Haii..sy nk tukar imej ni...
botak ler kepala sy sat lg..

Baba tok botakkan kepala Ariana... :)
p/s: Rutin hidup dh berubah sepenuhnya...best jadi mommy neh..walaupun penat..tp sgt2 menyeronokkn..rasa sayang kt hubby pun maken bertambah2 ;) .. Syukur atas kebahagiaan yg kumiliki sekarang :). Alhamdulilah

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Saya dah jadi MAMA! :)

Name: Nik Ariana Safiyya Bt Nik Shafrizan
DOB: 5th April 2011; 11.15pm
POB: Pusat Perubatan An Nissa
Weigth: 3.2kg
Length: 53cm

Syukur alhamdulillah..da jadi seorang mama..rasa cam hidup ni lengkap n bahagia sgt2!!! :)
Aku selamat melahirkan baby girl pd mggu ke 38, 5hb April 2011, cesarean..4hb April aku ke Pusat Perubatan An Nissa attend for weekly maternity checkup..wat CTG , check graf jantung baby.. then masuk bilik doc, n she said dat graf jantung baby flat..ada masalah ngn jantung baby..then doc suh repeat CTG, n graf sama jgk, flat..ada something wrong ngn baby's heart..doc scan n check air ketuban ok, tali pusat pun ok..mgkin uri xsiht, cant provide enough oxygen fr baby...takuuut sgtt masa tu.. then doc gtau esok awk dtg sini, bawa semua brg2 baby..datang utk bersalin on 4april 2011..takut nyaa...sbb thu bile nk bersalin..

Terus call hubby suh balik mlm tu jgk..esoknya 4April, aku admitted to ward kt an nissa..Doc bg ubt induce utk cepatkn bukaan jln..within 6hrs, ubt tu xd bg kesan cz jln xtbuka. then doc gives another one ubat induce, jalan x terbuka jgk..mlm tu doc dtg, masukkan ubat induce sx lg...ttp xjln jgk..dh lepas 4April....

On 5th April, masih blm ada tnda2 nk bersalin lg..since admit ward pd 4hb-5hb apr, da 5x nurse dtg wat CTG, jtung baby ok dh..cuma bila dh kna induce, kna tggu msa bersalin jgk, xleh kuar wad selagi belum bersalin..2nd day kat wad, doc bg 2 lg ubt induce...jalan da terbuka, tp 1cm je..nk tggu sampai 10cm ntah bila lah agknya..ubt induce hanya dihadkan 5x shj..so kna tggu jela..

Pukul 730mlm, perut rasa lapar semacam..ajak hubby gi kantin, pekena nasi goreng pataya..hehe..sempat lgi..pdahal dah order bubur nasi ngn ikan bakar, ngada2 nk makan nasi greng pataya plk..xpela..lepas ni dah xleh mkn dh,,kena pantang..brp hari? 40hari?60hari?100hari?eee..serammnyeee..cepat2la masa berlalu..

Pukul 1015 mlm..lepas syok tgk fav drama ngn hubby "ASMARA"..nurse dtg wat CTG..penatnyer..tp xpelah..nk uji jantung baby, utk kbaikan for both mommy n baby jgk kan...cam biasa, lepas pasang mesin CTG kat perut, nurse tggal dalam masa 15-20minit utk mesin tu print graf jtung baby..7 minutes later, tba2 mesin tu wat bbunyi, igt rosak ke ape...nurse td tgesa2 dtg masuk bilik wad, then check mesin CTG n graf..shows a bad signal..degupan jtung baby xbgus,,195(tggi sgt) n 50(rendah sgt)...kalau normal xsilap 110-160..risau sgt masa tu..Tuhan je tahu...hubby mmg bimbang sgt2..then nurse pggil doc masuk..doc gtau mmg bacaan graf jantung baby xbagus..takut baby lemas...so kena operate immediately..sbb jalan hya tbuka 1cm je.xboleh bersalin normal..SEDIHHHHHH sgt masa tuuu...aku bhrp sgt nk bersalin NORMALLL....perasaan sedih mmg xleh nk kawal masa tu..hubby pun cam pasrah je...dia xboleh temankan aku masuk dalam bilik bedah...SEDIHHHH...

Hubby leh hantar sampai pintu masuk operation room je...sebaakkkk sgt..same goes to hubby..kt operation room ada lebih kurang 8 org.1 doc pakar sakit puan, 1 doc pakar bius n yg len tu nurse..sssseeejuk sgt dlm bilik tu..pakar bius  gtau kna bius half sbb aku bru je makan pukul 730 td..sptutnya kena puasa..tp ni sbb emergency kes..terpksa lah bius half..sbb takut ubat bius bg kesan muntah..kalau bius penuh, muntah masuk dalam peparu..bahaya.....aku redha je..pukul 1050, abdomen bawah dah mula rasa kebas kesan dari ubat bius n masa tu jgkla rasa perut ni mcm di "senjoh-senjoh" (dalam bahasa standard ape ek)?hehe..tp xsakit pun...

Pukul 11.15, at last baby kuar..terus mengalir air mata dengar suara baby..lepas bersihkan baby, nurse bg peluang utk aku cium n tgk gender baby... :)..Baby Girl..Happy n Excited sgt! Lepas kuar bilik bedah..aku separuh sedar..tido je..dgr suara tp xleh nk buka mata..ngantukk..family n family in law dtg, sanggup bersengkang mata sampai jam 4pagi sbb nk jumpa org baru... :)

Thanks to Hubby, sbb sentiasa ada di sisi...bg semangat n dorongan...hubby dah jadi PAPA n aku dah jadi MAMA! :) Alhamdulillah...Praise to Allah SWT for His GIFT to us...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fetal development - 35 weeks pregnant

Your baby now weighs about 5.25 pounds / 2.4 kilograms and measures approximately 18 inches / 45 centimetres from head to toe. His elbow, foot or head may protrude from your stomach when he stretches and squirms about. Soon, as the wall of your uterus and your abdomen stretch thinner and let in more light, your baby will begin to develop daily activity cycles. 

This week, your little one is now sporting fingernails and has a fully developed pair of kidneys. His liver can also process some waste products. 

Inside pregnancy video: a 3D animated look at a baby in this week of pregnancy. Take a look!
There's much less amniotic fluid and much more baby in your uterus, which has expanded to a thousand times its original size. You've probably put on between 25 and 30 pounds / 11 and 13.6 kilograms and your weight gain has hit its peak. Even your belly button has got bigger and has popped outward. You may be feeling breathless now that the top of your uterus is up under your ribs. Try getting down on all fours to take deeper breaths. Although the pressure on your bladder will make the bathroom your second home, don't drink any less water - your baby needs the fluids. But you may like to cut down on diuretic drinks such as tea and coffee, which will make you have to urinate even more often. 

Your doctor will probably want to start seeing you every week until you give birth. 

• Note: Experts say every baby develops differently - even in utero. These fetal development pages are designed to give a general idea of how a fetus grows in the womb. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

What your baby looks like- 32 weeks

By now, your baby weighs 3.75 pounds 
(pick up a large jicama) and is about 16.7 inches long, 
taking up a lot of space in your uterus. 
You're gaining about a pound a week 
and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. 
In fact, your baby will gain a third to half of birth weight 
during the next 7 weeks as baby fattens up 
for survival outside the womb. 
Baby now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair 
(or at least respectable peach fuzz). 
Your baby skin is becoming soft and smooth 
as baby plumps up in preparation for birth.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Hari ni bertambah sepasang lg baju for my baby
baru je td gi amik kat pos laju ngn hubby
another baby romper..
sgt comei....

Bought from Kak Faz Mybabywear
Xsabar nk tggu ketibaan bulan April
Baby cepat2 kuar ye..
da xsabar nk tgk our very 1st acuan..hehehehe
Semoga menjadi anak yg soleh/solehah..
comel n sihat sempurna :)
Papa & Mama r waiting for U!


*Nnt nk cari mittens and booties yg lebih kurang sama ngn romper ni la..red n black polka dot! Mesti lg omeiii..Hrp2 ada la..hehe :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

New Born Checklist


1. Mittens n Booties

2. Hats

3. Top & Pants

4. Rompers

5. Sleep Suits

6. Bibs

7. Blanket


1. Disposable Diapers

2. Nappies

3. Baby Wipes

4. Diaper Rash Cream

5. Changing Mat


1. Bath Tub

2. Toiletries

3. Bath Towels

4. Cotton Wool Balls

5. Cotton Buds

6. Baby Comb

7. Baby Nail Clipper

8. Minyak bayi@Telon


1. Pillow

2. Bolsters

3. Mattress

4. Comforter

5. Bed

6. Mosquito Nets

7. Baby Cot


1. Carrier

2. Stroller

3. Car seat

4. Nursery Bag


1. Feeding Bottle

2. Bottle Brush

3. Teats

4. Bottle Cleanser


1. Breast Pump

2. Breastmilk Storage Containers

3. Nursing Tops

4. Nursing Bras

5. Nursing pads

6. Cooler Bag


1. Nappy/clothes detergent

2. Nappy/clothes softerners


1. Toys

2. Play Gym / Mat

3. Rattling Toys


1. Parenting Books

2. Babycare Books

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I had ultrasound check done at KMC Kuantan yesterday

and doc said 95% is ***** hehehe..

The thing is, I am not convinced. 

Before the scan I was sure that I was having a little ***** 
and I cant shake that feeling off even after  the ultrasound check.

Has anyone else felt like this and were they right? 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Suamiku VS Fahrin Ahmad


AL kisahnya begini
semalam ada promoter produk penapis air Swiss Pro dtg rumah
nk wat pe..biasala..jual barang
dorg dtg bertiga..sorang bos..n d other 2, tukang kempen
si bos ni jadi driver je..
pas htr kaki dia..dia blah xthula gi mana

aku keluar je dari bilik..tgk dorg dah ada kt ruang tamu
kebetulan masa tu keluarga mentua dtg rumah
dorg yg jemput masuk..sbb igt kwn aku..
da masuk..xkan nk dihalau plk kn
so bermulala sesi jual menjual
n tbe2 one of salesman tu terpandangla gmbr hubby aku
yg de kt ruang tamu tu..
and he said.."akak, itu ke suami akak?..aku jwb ye ler...
da terang lgi bersuluh sebelah gmbr tu gmbr aku..
opkos la gmbr laki aku..xkan gmbr pakwe lama kot..hahaha
Then dia ckp.."eh..cam muka pelakon la...nama pe ek..da lupa"..
sorang lg salesman menyampuk.."A'ahh..ye la...cm muka Fahrin Ahmad.."
Aku sengihh2 arnab je la..hahaha (da thu..taktik nk membodek la ni) ngeehhh3x
tbe2 kedengaran suara mak mertua aku dari dapur
"Alohhh...kuat teh bhagian bodek!.."hahaha..
mmg direct terus mak mertua aku sindir..ki3x

Sambil2 dengar cerita produk dorg
aku msg la si "Fahrin Ahmad"..bgthu ada salesman dtg rumah
sbb setahu aku..kawasan rumah aku tggl ni..org luar mmg xleh senang2 masuk
kena refer ngn guard dulu, pg offfice then..baru boleh masuk
utk dptkan kebenaran nk wat jualan kt dalam perumahan ni

xsampai 5 minit..hubby aku balik
mcm2 dia tya kat salesman tu..
boleh dikatakan situasi agk tegang ler masa ni
aku dengar je ler...huhu
xpasal2 dorg kena halau
ye la..sape2 nk masuk kt perumahan ni
mmg kna dapatkan kebenaran si "Fahrin Ahmad" aku ni
or refer ngn manager terus...
yg bikin dia "panas' lg... guard mention
masa kt post guard..dorg xde pun gtau nk berniaga ke apa..
jz nk jumpa saudara yg tggal kt perumahan ni

nasi baik dorg sampai rumah 2nd bos dulu
kalau dorg pandai2 gi promote kat bini manager dulu
lgi teruk dorg kena kot..hahaha
silap hb ..ngn hubby aku pun kena marah ngn bos

P/S: Pengajarannya jgn senang2 bg jurujual masuk rumah tau..kalau betul niat nk mejual xpe..kalau sebaliknya...mcm2 boleh jdi..

N for hubby.. xkirelah org nk membodek abg ni cam Fahrin Ahmad ke..sape ke...wat I noe is ..u r d most encem man n I love u d most! ngehehehe...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Only Time

 A beautiful song by Enya..makes me realize that everything that we face in the world, relates to the time. We all have the good time and bad time in our life..This song always makes me feel so good, calm and this song just blows away all my worries for a moment.

 Who can say where the road goes,
Where the day flows?
Only time...

And who can say if your love grows,
As your heart chose?
Only time...

Who can say why your heart sighs,
As your love flies?
Only time...

And who can say why your heart cries,
When your love lies?
Only time...

Who can say when the roads meet,
That love might be,
In your heart.

And who can say when the day sleeps,
If the night keeps all your heart?
Night keeps all your heart...

Who can say if your love grows,
As your heart chose?
Only time...

And who can say where the road goes,
Where the day flows?
Only time...

p/s:Time is the coin of your life.  It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

My Baby Development in 2nd trimester: Week 21-27


Between 21 and 27 weeks, your baby's sense of touch is developing, along with his unique fingerprints.

When you rub or gently press on your belly, you may feel your baby squirm or kick in response.
He can feel his own face now, as well as anything within his reach, including the umbilical cord.

He'll keep experimenting with and refining his sense of touch.

Around 23 weeks, your baby can swallow. Soon after, you may notice fetal hiccups.
Don't worry, hiccups are a normal part of development, and it's common for your baby to have them several times a day.

His lungs are also forming millions of tiny branches, called bronchioles.
Incredibly, your baby is already practicing breathing by inhaling and moving small amounts of amniotic fluid in and out of his lungs.

At 24 weeks, a baby is capable of surviving outside the uterus with significant medical help.

At 27 weeks, your baby's eyelids may open as a reflex, but he can't see yet
His lips are formed, and he now has tiny taste buds on his tongue.
He weighs nearly 2 pounds and is about 14 and a half inches long.

Now there's just one more trimester to go!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Jom Buat Bajet Kawen..Hehe

Da nk dekat public holiday upon thun baru cina ni
tibalah musim orang mengawan..hahahaha!
mesti byk jemputan kawen kan?
for those yang bakal kawen xlama lagi tu
aku ucapkan tahniah n moga korang berbahagia sampai syurga

pagi2 ni terdetik di fikiran
nk share something ngan bakal2 pengantin kat luar sana
wether for those yg dah merancang atau belum merancang utk kawen lg
pasal bajet kawen..hehehe

Ramai yg delay kawen sbb alasan nk kumpul duit dulu
terutama golongan lelaki lah
but reasonable la..lelaki yg byk berhabisan duit kalo nk kawen
kalo xde 20-30k..jgn harap nk masuk meminang ank dara org
hehehe..ppuan xde masalah sgt
sbb most of d time parent akan tanggung pbelanjaan kawen
especially kt Terengganu n Kelantan
 dats why untung pengantin2 perempuan kat kelantan n terengganu
duit hantaran xtermasuk ngn belanja kahwin
sbb ia dikira mas kahwin
but depends la..kalo ada duit n da bekerja..
ad gk bakal2 pengantin perempuan tu sdiri 
yg tanggung semua pbelanjaan kawen

Berbalik pada soal belanja kawen
Masa aku nk kawen dulu..dillema jgk
sbb xkeje lg
hehehe..sib baik suami n parent ada tlg sket2..ngehehe
sila2lah rujuk bajet yg diperlukan
utk majlis lebih kurang mcm aku hr tu
nk kata besar2an x..kecik2 pun x
bersederhana saje..hehe..yg penting sah kawen :)
so aku just nk bg gambaran
bape bajet yg perlu ada kt tangan
sebelum bisik2 kt telinga parent nk kawen..hehe
Antara bajet2 yang perlu dipikirkan:-

RM 6000
  1. Pelamin
  2. Hiasan bilik pengantin
  3. Set Meja Makan Pengantin (10 seats)
  4. 80 x Kerusi banquet (include riben and skirting)
  5. 8 x Meja Makan  (10 seats) (include riben and skirting)
  6. Khemah Arabian (include kipas+lampu+scallop and skirting)
  7. 2 x Makeup (sgt mengesyorkan kwn2 utk amik pakej mekap kt sini)
  8. 4 x Persalinan
  9. Fresh Flower (bilik pengantin+Pelamin+Meja Makan)
  10. Pintu Gerbang (Artificial flower)
  11. Red carpet 
RM 4000++
  1. Sejadah + Songkok
  2. Al-quran
  3. Sireh 
  4. Jam Tangan
  5. Video Camera
  6. Set Perfume
  7. Kasut
  8. Coklat
  9. Buah2an
  10. Manisan
  11. Cup cake 
RM 750
  1. Kad RM1.50 x 500 jemputan
RM 2000++

RM 80
  1. 2 x Banner
RM 7500
  1. RM7.5O/head x 1000 jemputan 
RM 1100
  1. 70 x Kerusi banquet (include riben and skirting)
  2. 7 x Meja Makan  (10 seats) (include riben and skirting)
  3. 2 x Khemah Arabian (include kipas+lampu+scallop and skirting) 
RM 300

RM 499
  1. 1 x Story Book Album
  2. 2 x Persalinan
RM 2000
  1. 2 x Sticky Album
  2. 1 x Custom Album
RM 400
  1. Sireh junjung
  2. Persalinan utk family
JUMLAH = RM  24,629.00 --> RM 25,000

Xsemestinya exactly ikut jumlah ni
depends pada kemampuan masing2 nk majlis yg mcm mana
konsep kayangan ke..taman ke..or wat evalah!
janji bajet ada..semua leh jalan
skrg ni makin lama, harga barang n service makin naik
So..Mulalah menabung n berjimat2 dari sekarang ye
 utk pasangan2 yg sedang hgt dilamun cinta
sama ada yg dah bertunang atau yg belum bertunang lg
da boleh mula menabung sekarang..hehe
especially to NadwaMisz Yeng, Azlina and Aniss
yg mungkin soon akan join club somebody's wiffy cm aku neh..hehe

Hmm..bukan senang nk kawen..kna pk byk benda termasuklah pasal duit..nasihat aku pd member2 ku sekalian b4 decide nk kawen.. pastikan calon suami atau isteri dah betul2 ngam dgn korang a.k.a sehati sejiwa, cz even after married pun akan  ada byk masalah yg  timbul n masalah akan jd makin teruk kalau dua2 x saling memahami. Banyakkan solat hajat dan istikharah so dat kita lebih yakin dengan pilihan hati..Amin..InsyaAllah

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Love was made for me & you! :)

L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore can

LOVE is all that I can give to you
LOVE is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
LOVE was made for me and you

sesi posing memosing yg xsudah2..

Dah kahwen...bolehla pandang2...hehe..jgn malu2..jgn segan2

"I love you more than any word can say ... I love you more than every action I take ... I'll be right here loving you till the end."


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