Between 21 and 27 weeks, your baby's sense of touch is developing, along with his unique fingerprints.
When you rub or gently press on your belly, you may feel your baby squirm or kick in response.
He can feel his own face now, as well as anything within his reach, including the umbilical cord.
He'll keep experimenting with and refining his sense of touch.
Around 23 weeks, your baby can swallow. Soon after, you may notice fetal hiccups.
Don't worry, hiccups are a normal part of development, and it's common for your baby to have them several times a day.
His lungs are also forming millions of tiny branches, called bronchioles.
Incredibly, your baby is already practicing breathing by inhaling and moving small amounts of amniotic fluid in and out of his lungs.
At 24 weeks, a baby is capable of surviving outside the uterus with significant medical help.
At 27 weeks, your baby's eyelids may open as a reflex, but he can't see yet
His lips are formed, and he now has tiny taste buds on his tongue.
He weighs nearly 2 pounds and is about 14 and a half inches long.
Now there's just one more trimester to go!
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